Matrix on Windows XP :-)

Posted on January 4th, 2009 by Vincèn.
Categories: Article, News.



Pomcast Spanish more famous than German and English

Posted on November 1st, 2006 by Rocroc.
Categories: Article.

Yeah that’s right… The spanish podcast is doing very well… So I was wondering… Does any of you have in his contact list TUAW, or any other “visit boosting” contacts ? :)[/lang_en][lang_de]1000 Mal sorry, dass wir seit so lange nicht mehr auf Deutsch waren, aber wir kommen bald zurück, mit eine sehr Interessane Podcast… Also… bis bald !



Of mice and apples

Posted on May 23rd, 2006 by Alia.
Categories: Article, News, Reflections. announces (in Japanese) the launch of a Mickey Mouse iPod. Some may smile remembering jokes about the “Mac Minnie” when the news that Disney was buying Pixar came out, and some may worry that soon many others Apple products will find themselves Disneyized.

There is no need to worry. Apple has produced in the past other limited edition iPods, like the Harry Potter (a Warner property) one. These co-branding seem logical considering the pop culture icon status the iPod has gained, and are proof if one was ever needed that it is recognised as it by media moguls (on the other hand, Creative had an exclusive partnership with the French version of American Idol last year). In fact, the look of this Mickey kit feel more cartoon Mickey than Mickey Mouse Club Mickey. Though Disney has already put a feet in the consumer electronics market with television sets decorated with familiar characters, there is no reason for them to go further in the direction of computing. The Mighty Mouse can rest in peace.



Crash Test Movie

Posted on March 20th, 2006 by StuFF mc.
Categories: Article.

On March 14th, we saw that the ITMS allowed to buy a full movie for 9.99$. When it started in the US, the ITMS allowed us to buy 400 000 tracks. If we look at the videotheque today, american citizens can jump on… 1 movie! Not much… And, oh surprise, it’s a Disney Movie (Stevie, you hear us ?).

And no “one more thing” announcement… No special buzz, Apple style… It just appeared a bit on some websites… Is it the tree hiding the forest ?

The following points I’m gonna develop are just the fruit of my imagination/desire/reflexion. I don’t know any M. Anonymous Source that could have revealed me nice information, resulting in a kick in the … from Mr Jobs ASAP. I’m not the “ol’good” Thinksecret as we knew it, when the rumors where not rumors, so, if everything is just dream, I beg your pardon.

The online video market is almost non existent. No real offer in terms of catalog, no real software “à  la iTunes”… Everthing is still to be done… To put a Disney movie online allows to “prepare the battlefield”, to see how the users will react. The statistics of downloads of this movie are essentials. I did not see the movie so excuse my ignorance, but I believe this ain’t no Blockbuster. Is this not a good test to see if the market is ready ?

It’s tuff to be a leader

Apple blows the concurrence and the public (and stock holders) hopes are big. To start a video store that would not be as successful as the Music Store would be a K.O. for Apple’s image. Therefore, there is only one solution: Think about the strategy to put in place and the the priorities. To think about it, it’s always good to have some numbers… The Disney movie allows to see if the consumers are ready, if the ITVS can be launched at Apple’s 30th Birthday… or not…

And the iPod AV ?

Appleinsider tells us that the iPod 5G (60GO) is in a “I could be renewed but it’s not sure” state. To use this model for an hypothetical iPod AV could also be interpreted as a reflection sign on the taken risk. Apple does not take the risk to start a full line of new iPod and this way cannibalized the sales of the 5G which is a “best buy”. If this happens, we could see the same trick as the iPod photo becoming the “iPod”.

At the end of the day, I’ve got the feeling that Apple is not allowed to fail and that this movie is just an indicator to define the right moment to launch the videostore and the player going with it. So… A Video Store and an iPod AV ? Yes! When ? Well… uh… That’s the big question… As usual, nobody knows; But maybe it’s why we love Apple ?

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De Anza 8

Posted on February 17th, 2006 by StuFF mc.
Categories: Article.

Merci à  tous pour tout vos commentaires… Ce lundi soir nous devrions enregistrer un podcast anglais, et fin de semaine prochaine à  nouveau un français… Pour vous remercier, un petit cadeau, en direct de Cupertino, et en exclu pour le pomcast….De Anza 8 est l’un des nombreux immeubles occupés par Apple à  Cupertino. Celui-ci est en face du siège, de l’autre côté du boulevard De Anza. Il n’est occupé par Apple que depuis quelques mois (NetManage y était auparavant). L’équipe Pro Apps l’occupe.

Les plus anciens apprécieront le drapeau pirate, une vieille tradition Apple. Cela dit, ça faisait longtemps qu’on l’avait plus aperçu, ce bô drapeau ;)

(Photo: Arnaud H – Licence Creative Commons )



Trajet par procuration

Posted on January 10th, 2006 by StuFF mc.
Categories: Article, Community.

Imaginez-vous: Vous habitez Menlo Park, CA. Vous enfourchez votre moto le matin, direction Cupertino, CA. Vous vivez le rêve américain (NDLR: parfois c’est plutôt un cauchemar) , et vous travaillez à  1, Infinite Loop. Maintenant, imaginez, que, pire, (ou mieux), vous êtes une grenouille (un français quoi…), et en plus, vous êtes même un podcasteur francophone…

Allez voir la grenouille sur sa moto !



Le capitaine StuFF reprend le contrôle sur Mars…

Posted on January 2nd, 2006 by StuFF mc.
Categories: Article, Website.

Je suis reviendu ! Quoi ? On me dis que je parle pas le français comme kesk’on m’a appris ? “Che né fou komprend pa !” ;) Non je n’ai pas passé Noël chez Philippe B. (comme dans B… logger), mais bien en Espaà±a, viajando por mis Raizes… Je suis revenu il y a quelques heures, ai démarré l’année en fanfare, en reconnaissant ce qui devrait être mon enfant (ma copine me l’a juré…), et j’attend avec impatience la liste des inscrits au concours EyeTv (tiens, la bannière est partie…), afin d’inviter son vainqueur dans la première Pom de 2006, qui se déroulera dans les jours qui viennent… Il y a quelques heures j’ai envoyé un mail qui vous touche indirectement, et demain matin je ferai une annonce qui confirmera cet E-mail ;) Patience, patience, …

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