Update (Aug. ’10): A few days ago I realized the App wasn’t available anymore on the iTunes Store. Orange isn’t exactly telling me *why* so for now all we got left are screenshots :( Sad…
Update (Aug. ’09): We have now reached the version 1.2 of Pick&Play, with tons of news things… Enjoy!
There you have it! It’s official, we can speak about it ! One of the iPhone Apps I have been working on will soon be pushed to the App Store, probably next week.
It’s called “pick&play”, it’s a contract from Pikeo by Orange, and it’s a funny memory game, pretty different since you actually win new funny pictures every time you win a game.
Click on the screenshots to get them bigger :-) I’m sorry if they’re in french, the app is also in English (and spanish!), don’t worry!
Of course it’s gonna be free for all of you in a few days (as long as our friend at Apple lets us in without too many troubles) but we’d like to reserve a special Preview version of the app for our dear friends Bloggers and Podcasters. They can get it by following the info in the following PDF, the official press release of Pikeo by Orange.
If you’d like to support Pomcast, it’s a very simple way to do so. Speak about it, download it, show it to your friends, etc, … Pomcast.biz is clearly what now finances Pomcast.com, even though these are 2 “relatively” independent entities :) For those of you who’ll be tomorrow at Le Web tomorrow, look out for a big guy with a black T-Shirt Pomcast / “Pom staff” (or a Sweat Shirt “San Francisco” if Loïc forgot the heating…) and I’ll show you what the app looks like.
I’d also like to take this opportunity to share with you my excitation about having (looks like) succeeded my carreer change and having made the guy a bit more coherent technically :-) And if happen to know some iPhone Dev around Cologne (or any freelance iPhone Dev anywhere in the World), tell them to get in touch with me. I’d like to sleep 1 or 2 hours more per day in 2009 :-)
And now go ahead, check out those other screenshots on the rest of this post and download the PDF !
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You better send it again, we had something badly configured on the server, the mails where stuck on it, and I am now received around 26 000 emails. I’m not gonna read every single one (99% being SPAM of course). I hope nobody sent an email to “i-d-like-to-sponsor-your-show-1-million-dollar-a-month” at stuff ;) ;)
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StuFF gets better when he gets older :)

Happy birthday Boss!
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[lang_en]It looks like here on StuFFmc.com, Pomcast is way faster ! I might be paranoiac but I have the feeling Pomcast.com was “targeted” by some attacks… The downside is the Podcasts feeds are not yet up again :( Both Feedburner and iTunes are note very cooperative. Please be patient and listen to the Podcasts on the website…[/lang_en][lang_fr]On dirait que le site est beaucoup plus rapide ici, sur StuFFmc.com. Je suis peut être un peu parano mais j’ai l’impression que Pomcast.com était la cible de certaines attaques… Le côté négatif c’est que les flux Podcasts sont toujours down… Feedburner et iTunes n’aident pas beaucoup… Merci d’être patient et d’écouter les Podcasts sur le site en attendant…[/lang_fr][lang_es]Parece que la pagina funcciona mejor aqui en StuFFmc.com, lo que me hace pensar que estabamos victimas de algo. El problema es que los feed Podcastt todavia no estan mejor… Por favor tened un podo de paciencia y escuchas los Podcast en la pagina…[/lang_es][lang_de]Es sieht so aus, als ob die Website auf dem StuFFmc.com Server viel schneller ist. Vielleicht bin ich ein kleiner Paranoiker, aber ich denke, das eine Art Angriff. Leider funktionieren die Podcast Feeds noch nicht. Bitte habt etwas Geduld, und hört so lange die Podcasts hier..[/lang_de]
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Help us be the numer one ;) on Digg.com : DIGG THIS !
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(StuFF mc with a Pom Shirt and Pom Mug… Thank you PhotoBooth for reversing the image :()
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[lang_fr]Pour diverses raisons (300 choses à régler cette semaine), il est fort probable qu’on fasse l’impasse sur un Pom4 cette semaine… Je vais essayer de bosser à la vidéo de mes 2 voyages à Amsterdam cependant, donc merci d’être indulgent si votre iTunes ne vous apporte pas de pommes… Pour ce qui est du site, message public à tous les pomcasteurs: Vous pouvez aussi écrire des posts ;)[/lang_fr][lang_en]For different reasons (300 things to arrange this week), I might not be able to bring a Pom4 this week… I’m gonna try to work on the video of my 2 trips in Amsterdam, so thanks to be indulgent if your iTunes is not bringing you any “Pommes”… For the site itself, this is a public call to all the pomcasteurs: You can also write some posts ;)[/lang_en][lang_de]Aus verschiedenen Gründen (300 Dingen zu regeln diese Woche), kann es gut sein, dass es keinen Pom4 diese Woche gibt. Ich werde versuchen, an dem Video von meinen 2 Reisen nach Amsterdam zu arbeiten, also sei nachsichtig wenn eur iTunes keine “Pommes” diese Woche bringt.über die Website: Es ist eine öffentliche Aufruf and die Pomcaster: ihr könnt auch Posts schreiben ;)[/lang_de]
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[lang_en]Today Apple announced probably the first part of Leopard we can see. It’s called (for the moment) Boot Camp, and it will allow you to do “officially” what some have been trying to do for weeks: Run Windows XP on your Mac. The funny thing is, while everybody was trying to make it happen, Apple Engineers probably did the same ;), or you could think that they waited to see the solution and just did a copy/paste ;). But it seems that they had this ready for a while and after all, it’s one more nice Trojan Horse to get the Windows people to come to the Mac…
On a side note, we just added a new section called “Press” on the top bar which will show where we allready appeared in the press, radio, websites, … I hope I can regularly add things there, just as I continue to add to the “Our guests” page… We finish with a quote from Apple[/lang_en][lang_fr]Aujourd’hui la Pomme à annoncé ce qui est probablement la première partie de Leopard que l’on puisse voir. Ca s’appelle (pour le moment) Boot Camp et ça permet de faire “officiellement” ce que certains on essayé de faire pendant plusieurs semaines: faire tourner Windows XP sur votre Mac. Ce qui est marrant c’est que pendant que tout le monde s’y essayait, les ingénieurs de Cupertino faisait probablement la même chose ;) Ou alors ils ont attendu de voir la solution et ils ont fait copier/coller ;). Il semble cependant qu’ils aient bossé sur le truc depuis pas mal de temps, et après tout, ce n’est qu’un cheval de Troie de plus pour amener les gens qui sont sous Windows vers le Mac…
En apparté, on vient juste d’ajouter une section “Presse” dans le menu d’en haut, qui vous montrera les différents passages dans la presse, radio, sites webs, … J’espère que je pourrai mettre régulièrement à jour cette page de même que la page “Nos invités”… On termine avec une citation d’Apple[/lang_fr][lang_de]Heute hat Apple etwas vorgestellt, was wahrscheinlich das erste Teil von Leopard sein dürfte. Es heißt (bis jetzt) Boot Camp, und es wird uns “offiziell” erlauben, was viele Wochen lang versucht haben: Windows XP auf unseren Macs laufen zu lassen. Was lustig ist: Wahrend alle versuchten es zu machen, haben es die Apple Ingeneure gleichzeitig versucht ;), vielleicht haben sie sogar gewartet, dass die Lösung in Internet kommt ;). Aber es sieht so aus, dass die seit langem daran gearbeitet haben… Letzendlich, ist es nur ein weiterer Trojaner, um Windows Benutzern auf dem Mac zu willkommen zu heissen…
Heute haben wir eine neue Seite “Presse” aufgemacht. Da gibt es alle unsere Referenzen in der Presse, Radio, Websites, … Hoffentlich kann ich diese Seite oft updaten, genau wie die Seite “Unsere Gaste”. Wir beenden diese Bericht mit eine “Quote” von Apple selbst[/lang_de]:
Boot Camp also helps you remove the Windows partition, should you so desire.
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It took long, I did not know which CMS I had to choose… Finally I choose to use a “simple WordPress”… Joomla/Mambo was not know from many people and developed too slowly. I also have to mention that WordPress has a lot of free Themes and also a lot of plugins… That’s why a “simple WordPress” is not completely true… I’m using here 2 really important plugins: Polyglot, because we are multilingual, and PodPress, because I do not want anymore to have a “podcast.xml” file and the blog posts. Of course I still have a loooot of work to do on pomcast.com.
But finally you have something that looks like a website ! Have fun with it… Please sign on to post Comments (otherwhise we’re spammed), and be tolerant because some things are not yet done, like some translations, and the Organisation of the posts… The important thing to note are the Categories on the right, like Pom4en, that contains only the posts for Pom Pom Pom Pom in English. So… Let’s go… Send me your comments ;)
Oh by the way, here is the hardware setup I use to produce the Podcast. Soon more about the Pomcast Team, with Pics & Videos…
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