
Posted on November 27th, 2005 by StuFF mc.
Categories: Pom4.

Andy Kim from Potion Factory (Podcast Maker) and HpTroll[lang_en]

Time   Link
4:24 Potion Factory, ex-Mac Haters ;) Potion Factory
9:27 Introducing the iPod Envisa iPod Envisa
11:45 Cover Bddy: iTunes has a new best friend Cover Buddy
13:26 Rosetta seems to support altivec Rosetta Rosetta G4
13:59 Rollercoaster ride on Podcasting since ChapterTool… Chapter Tool
19:21 Podcast is to radio what shareware are to software. Graphic Converter
21:43 Apple pushing developers to Transitions Go Intel ;) Mac OS X
26:56 Podcast Maker for the PC ? Get a Mac ! Get a Mac !
30:19 It’s not about features, but being able to use it… LiveQuartz Image Editor
35:18 .mac was really important to implement in Podcast Maker .mac
38:12 10.4.3 seems to make Spotligt faster Spotlight
40:19 One million in 20 Days, One million in 7 Days iTunes 6
44:10 Panther compatibility disable from using cool Tiger Technologies Tiger Developer Tools
49:04 Do you plan on developing other apps than Podcast Maker ? Podcast Maker
50:48 How to know where and when was your mac built ? coconutIdentityCard
52:09 AAPL (Stocks) are getting craaaazy… AAPL
54:34 Interviews of StuFF mc (in French) at MacSpirit.Net MacSpirit (FR)
57:08 2 guys in a garage, do they plan to expand ? Potion Factory Blog
1:00:12 What is the most important evolution ? Podcast Maker
1:01:04 Operating a Mac Mini without a Keyboard, Screenshots, … Mac OS X
1:04:49 Othe cool changes in Podcast Maker Podcast Maker
1:08:40 My dream: More integration, better worklfow between apps. Garage Band
1:10:30 Win an EveTV for DTT with El Gato ! Exact address coming soon…


[lang_fr]Passez en anglais pour les détails…[/lang_fr][lang_de]Wechsel auf English für Weitere Details…[/lang_de]




Posted on November 26th, 2005 by StuFF mc.
Categories: Pom4.

[lang_en]In May 2005 it started in French (reason why it called “Pom”, like Apple in French). In August in German. November 2005 marks the start of the start of the english version of this Podcast for the mac community which is, in essence, a discussion between friends over the mac combined with some news and some interviews.[/lang_en][lang_fr]En mai 2005, nous démarrions en français… En août 2005 nous avons démarré en Allemand. Depuis Novembre 2005 nous avons démarré la version anglais de ce podcast pour la communauté mac, qui, en essence, est une discussion entre amis autour du mac combiné avec quelques news et interviews.[/lang_fr][lang_de]In Mai 2005, haben wir auf Französisch angefangen (deshalb heißt es “Pom”, wie Apfel auf Franzosisch). In August 2005 haben wir auf Deutsch angefangen… November 2005 ist der Start von die Englische version von diese Podcast für die Mac community der, in grunde genommen, ein Gesprach zwischen Freunden rund um den Apfel, kombiniert mit einige News und Interviews.[/lang_de]