Julian Miller (ScriptSoftware) : Interview, Mac Books, Nano 12GB, Environment, Politic, Bill Gates,… (Thursday June 29th, 2006).[lang_en]
- 00:08:27 – Julian Miller & ScriptSoftware : Presentations…
- 00:18:38 – Skype with Video: Private Beta.
- 00:25:03 – Video of Leopard, discussions about the Finder, …
- 00:46:06 – MacBooks : a good machine, but turning Yellow ?
- 00:54:28 – iStar Composer is a nifty little program that will make all of us Karaoke Stars !
- 01:03:14 – iClock + Biiiiig Debate about MS, Politics, Environment…
- 01:17:15 – MountWatcher, iKey, iPod nano 12GB, iWatermark.
- 01:25:26 – How did the Intel switch affected you at ScriptSoftware ?
[/lang_en][lang_fr]Passez en anglais pour les détails…[/lang_fr][lang_de]Wechsel auf English für Weitere Details[/lang_de]
} else { ?> |
Glen Aspeslagh (iGlasses, eCamm) : Interview, Nike iPod, Fifth Avenue, Dashcode… (Saturday May 27th, 2006).
- 00:02:17 – Spreadshirt: Win a T Shirt by clicking here and make your own Shop.
- 00:04:18 – Mac Expo Cologne: We’ll be there, 3 Days long…
- 00:05:45 – Who’s Glenn, Who’s eCamm ? How did it started ?
- 00:12:32 – iGlasses: get total control over your iSight…
- 00:17:40 – iChatUSBCam: video-conference with your usb webcam.
- 00:19:24 – Powerboost.
- 00:22:53 – Virtual Money, like @ CafePress.
- 00:26:21 – Nike+Apple: Tune your run with the iPod.
- 00:39:24 – Conference Recorder for iChat.
- 00:45:01 – Call Recorder for Skype.
- 00:53:36 – DockStar: supercharge the Mail.app dock icon.
- 00:58:11 – Dashcode & the stolen icon…
- 01:02:46 – How was you personaly and professionnaly impacted by the Intel Switch ?
- 01:08:15 – Apple Store Fifth Avenue: The monument.
- 01:11:35 – Photoshop tagging on the cube.
- 01:13:01 – Why are you on the mac + Your wish to cupertino ?
- 01:16:34 – Mike Matas‘ Setup.
} else { ?> |
VIDEO Podcast of the Mac Expo Amsterdam ! After a small tour in the Expo, I did those Interviews…
Click here to see it in iTunes
} else { ?> |
John Champlin from Ambrosia Software (Pom Pom Pom Pom 007 for Tuesday April 25th, 2006)
- 00:05:28 John Champlin, fan of Podcasting, working at Ambrosia for 8 years !
- 00:11:14 Snapz Pro X 2: A movie is worth a million words…
- 00:19:14 17-inch MacBook Pro: The art of more
- 00:25:48 iSeek: Search at your fingertip
- 00:29:12 Wire Tap Pro: Your digital recording device
- 00:37:52 Mac OS 9: Ambrosia’s still getting a lot of orders for it…
- 00:39:08 Games @ Ambrosia: Darwinia with Introversion…
- 00:45:49 CocoaDevHouse @ Amsterdam: Met a lot of folks !
- 00:48:44 Apple Q2 2006 Finance Conference Call Details
} else { ?> |
John Fox (MemoryMiner)[lang_en]
Be prepared to see 1.1 arrive very soon…[/lang_en]
[lang_fr]Passez en anglais pour les détails…[/lang_fr][lang_de]Wechsel auf English für Weitere Details[/lang_de]
} else { ?> |
Dan Wood & Terence Talbot, from Karelia Software (Sandvox)
Podcast: mp4 with chapters – mp3
} else { ?> |
Austin Sarner & Brian Ball (AppZapper)
Oh by the way… Redeem your coupon with “pomcast”, you’ll have a nice price as a Pomcast listener ;)
} else { ?> |
Special Edition about the MacWorld with Andy Kim…[lang_en]
5:13 |
Special Note to Michael Dell, suggesting in 1997… |
Buy AAPL, not DELL |
7:31 |
Andy meeting with friends at the MacWorld |
Potion Factory |
11:42 |
Microsoft about to also copy the programming Model of Apple |
MS going Model Oriented |
14:25 |
Planning other softwares ? Glad that GB 3 is there… |
Garage Band 3 |
20:03 |
Microsoft vs Apple about Developer’s Community |
27:24 |
What has more Podcast Maker than GarageBand 3 ? |
Podcast Maker |
37:52 |
The story of the Panic guys almost bought by Apple |
Panic Story |
46:07 |
iWeb is tooooo Simple |
iWeb |
54:47 |
Andy and Jin soon in Cocoa Radio, Interviewed at MacWorld Expo |
Cocoa Radio |
[lang_fr]Passez en anglais pour les détails…[/lang_fr][lang_de]Wechsel auf English für Weitere Details…[/lang_de]
} else { ?> |
Ben & Daniel Counsell, from RealMacSoftware, Makers of RapidWeaver.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and see you in 2006 !
} else { ?> |