Say Thank You to our Sponsors

Posted on August 18th, 2006 by StuFF mc.
Categories: News.

Dear Listeners, I hope your know how important the notion of Return On Investments is for our sponsors. I hope you understand, that a way to help us, is to buy their products, to support us, and make us believable at their eyes. GarageSale, our sponsor for “1Pom” has just released a series of new themes, bringing it to 75 themes.

But that’s not it… They also offer you a discount, by using the Coupon “pomcast” in the”payement by bank“, what brings the price to less than 17 eur. Those 17 eur will come back very fast… Imagine how much money you will earn when you finally have a decent interface to eBay. This offer is available until Sunday, August 28th, so, to support us, show your support to GarageSale, and especially to offer you a really nice made (and localized) program, go ahead, download it, and then buy it !


Comment on August 19th, 2006.

Downloader, ça c’est de la localisation lol ;)


Comment on August 20th, 2006.

Allez c’est fait, j’ai acheté ma licence.

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