Activity Monitor questions…

Posted on February 3rd, 2008 by StuFF mc.
Categories: Reflections.

Activity Monitor questions...Dear Activity Monitor (and audience), I have some questions for you…

(bigger image and questions after the break, or on flickr.)

1) Why do I have twice httpd under _www + another one with root?
2) Why is httpd (Apache?) the only 64bit app I have? I feel frustrated…
3) Why the biggest spanish TV channel did not choose the right partner for their streaming software? Octoshape (nope, no link for both of you bad bad guys), not working with Leopard.
4) How the hell is the rest (being all “Intel”) sorted?!? Not with the user, not the name, as you can see… Not the PID, not the RM, not the VM, trust me! Maybe an other column?
5) And this is the beginning of a long series of Screenshots with, at the same time, some “shout out”, this one goes for MarsEdit, who recently changed my life, or at least my relation with WordPress ;)

Activity Monitor questions...


Comment on February 3rd, 2008.

1) is easy : http starts one process as root then several separate sub processes as _www which serve actual pages (not as root for safety reasons). The number of processes can be changed in /etc/httpd/apache.conf (I think)
2) ’cause it’s open source ;-)

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